
Did you know that around 60% of individuals who died by suicide had a diagnosed mood disorder, yet only 2% had previously been diagnosed? This stark difference highlights the urgent need for increased mental health awareness, especially in court settings. Scott Dylan, who deals with PTSD, is advocating for reforms in the UK justice system. He champions better education and legal changes to support those facing mental health issues in court. Much like the reflective quality of Bob Dylan’s music, Scott Dylan seeks to foster a deeper understanding of mental health within the court system. His vision extends beyond merely…

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Did you know that 60% of individuals with mental health issues are prevented from seeking help due to significant barriers? This statistic reveals a major flaw within the UK justice system. Scott Dylan, co-founder of Inc & Co and a prominent advocate for mental health, aims to influence the court system to address this problem. Having experienced Complex PTSD himself, Dylan stresses the necessity for UK courts to support those with mental health challenges. Scott Dylan is calling on the court system and the legal sector to improve the intersection of mental health and law, advocating for changes to make…

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Scott Dylan explores the ethical issues and transformative applications of AI at London Tech Week 2024. During London Tech Week 2024, Scott Dylan, Co-founder of Inc & Co, discussed the ethical issues and transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) across various sectors. With AI progressing rapidly, the focus on responsible development and implementation is crucial. Ethical Issues in AI AI’s impact on society is substantial, with applications in healthcare, finance, and beyond. However, significant power brings significant responsibility. Scott Dylan emphasised the ethical principles that must guide AI development. “AI can revolutionise industries, but we must ensure that its growth…

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Scott Dylan, Co-founder of Inc & Co, champions mental health awareness and the significance of supportive communities, highlighting the link between LGBTQ+ rights and well-being. As Pride Month celebrations spread globally, Scott Dylan, Co-founder of Inc & Co, leads the way in advocating for both LGBTQ+ rights and the crucial issue of mental health awareness within the community. Pride Month, an annual event commemorating the 1969 Stonewall riots, has evolved into a global celebration of diversity, inclusion, and the ongoing fight for equality. For Scott Dylan, this period is an opportunity to highlight the close relationship between identity and mental well-being,…

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Scott Dylan promotes diversity and inclusion in the tech industry, offering strategies to build an inclusive culture and support underrepresented groups. As London Tech Week 2024 concludes, Scott Dylan, Co-founder of Inc & Co, delivers a powerful address on the critical issue of diversity and inclusion in the tech sector. Emphasising the necessity of creating diverse and equitable workspaces, Dylan shares detailed strategies for fostering an inclusive culture and actively supporting underrepresented groups. Championing Diversity and Inclusion Despite the tech sector’s rapid growth and innovation, it has faced ongoing criticism for its lack of diversity. Scott Dylan passionately argues for change,…

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