
Did you know that 60% of people with mental health issues avoid seeking help due to stigma? This statistic highlights the urgent need for increased mental health awareness, particularly in high-stress environments like courts. Scott Dylan, Co-Founder of Inc & Co, is advocating for UK courts to better handle cases involving litigants with mental health challenges. Scott Dylan, who has PTSD, understands the pressures of litigation. He has identified significant issues within the UK legal system. For instance, a mistake in handling one of Inc & Co’s takeovers revealed major gaps in the legal sector. Such errors can lead to…

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Did you know one in five adults has a mental illness? Scott Dylan, who battles PTSD, is advocating for UK courts to better manage cases involving litigants with mental health issues. Scott Dylan is committed to improving mental health understanding in courts. He aims for courtrooms to be more empathetic and supportive to litigants. His efforts could transform how the legal system treats individuals with mental health challenges. Dylan’s goal is to ensure justice is served fairly and that those with mental health issues are not disadvantaged. He believes urgent legal reforms are essential. These changes would create a more…

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