
Identifying the Root Cause Children sometimes act out with tantrums, outbursts, or defiance. To address these behaviour challenges, it’s crucial to understand the underlying reasons behind the behaviour. Onebright delves into the factors that may influence a child’s actions and offers guidance for parents to provide effective support. Reasons Behind Problematic Behaviour Escape or Delay Children often resort to behaviours that allow them to escape or delay tasks they fear or dislike. This response is part of the natural fight or flight reaction. For example, a child may refuse to do homework to avoid the discomfort associated with it. Supporting…

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Scott Dylan, Co-founder of Inc & Co, champions mental health awareness and the significance of supportive communities, highlighting the link between LGBTQ+ rights and well-being. As Pride Month celebrations spread globally, Scott Dylan, Co-founder of Inc & Co, leads the way in advocating for both LGBTQ+ rights and the crucial issue of mental health awareness within the community. Pride Month, an annual event commemorating the 1969 Stonewall riots, has evolved into a global celebration of diversity, inclusion, and the ongoing fight for equality. For Scott Dylan, this period is an opportunity to highlight the close relationship between identity and mental well-being,…

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