
27 June 2024: As we approach the final week of campaigning for the General Election, new data reveals young online entrepreneurs could be a pivotal voting demographic. Changing Voting Patterns GoDaddy’s Venture Forward research initiative recently analyzed over 2,000 UK online microbusinesses, defined as having 10 employees or fewer, with a unique domain and active website. The study found that more than one in five (23%) under-30 microbusiness owners plan to change the way they vote in the upcoming election. In contrast, only 9% of over-60s reported a change in their voting intentions since becoming business owners. Additionally, a quarter…

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Union membership among young workers is experiencing a significant decline, marking a global trend known as the de-unionisation of the young. In the UK, government statistics reveal a sharp decrease, with only 4.3% of workers aged 16 to 24 being union members in 2021, compared to 19.8% in the 25 to 34 age group. This decline is part of a broader shift that has seen collective bargaining coverage decrease from 80% of the British workforce in 1980 to around 30% in the 2000s. The drop in union membership is not necessarily due to young professionals viewing unions more negatively than…

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